Shipping & DELIVERY

We're delivering premium quality honey collected from honey bee farms across the world. The delivery of products is done from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (GMT+4:00) on Saturday to Thursday by our courier company.

Shipping fees depend on the total quantity of items, weight and shipping speed selected. Therefore, there are no flat shipping charges. The best way to find out the shipping charge applicable to your order is to try placing an order. The last page of the checkout process will provide you with the exact shipping cost. An additional amount of AED4 will be charged per shipment if you choose to pay using Cash on Delivery payment method for your order.

To determine the applicable shipping rate for items in your Shopping Cart:

1. Select Proceed to Checkout.
2. Select or add your shipping address.
3. Select a shipping speed and select Continue.
4. Select a payment method.

The total shipping cost & cash on delivery fees (if applicable) will be listed under the Order Summary displayed on the right-hand side of the page.

Note: For out of service areas, customers will be required to collect their orders from the courier's hub within the city.

PCI DSS Certified :
Accepting, managing, saving, or sharing payment information is extremely secured with PCI DSS compliance. It manages the enduring evolution of the payment industry security standards, with a focus to keep financial information secured through the entire transaction process.

DMCA Certified :
Geohoney’s website is DMCA compliant to prevent and eradicate infringement on intellectual property rights. Gained wider acceptance on the internet today, it makes the whole compliance process incredibly easy.

Sectigo Certified :
Sectigo PKI implementation is done on Geohoney’s website to diminish the risk of outages and breaches, and keep the security standards high. Combining world class service with exceptional understanding of security landscape this is the best tool offering multi-layered web security.

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